With the edition of the Olivari Catalog 2020, a complete Company presentation in all its aspects has been completed.
The products are those that allow us to be present on the market.
But more than this the history of the family and of the Company, the technological evolution, the collaborations with architects and designers, the graphics and media, the displays by the retailers and the stands into the best fairs.
Therefore, well designed products – with the help of the creativity of specialists – and well prepared products – using the most updated and sustainable technologies.
In this story was missing an important element: the human factor.
Now we have closed the circle, telling about the collaborators who take care of the production, at their workplace, next to the machineries and to the fruits of their work.

“Doing well, doing together” is the event with which we wanted to present the 2020 Catalog, at the Arsenale theater, surrounded by photographs representing people and moments of the life in the factory.
We haven’t chosen to present the products, the designers, the technologies, the finishes, as it has been usually done, but to tell about the people behind all this, those who produce, minute after minute, day after day.
We wanted to try to tell the Made, the to do, the to do well and do together of an Italy made up of small-medium companies, like ours, which are the economic backbone of Italy and which well represent it in the world.

We did this asking to some foreign press journalists for an opinion on the Made in Italy that they know, from the privileged position of foreigners who live well integrated in Italy.
And asking some fellow entrepreneurs to tell us, albeit briefly, about their experience and how they are facing the future.
Companies from different sectors (doors, furniture, jewelery), characterized by a long company history and by a family-run business, with excellent and universally appreciated products.
Products made in its own factories, with operators internally trained and guided by a special passion for their work.

“Talking to these colleagues, whom I would call friends for the long acquaintance and feeling affinity, I realized that we all had not only the same need, but also the same pleasure, to better communicate the importance that our collaborators have for everyone.”

Lualdi, with its tradition of custom made products, alongside the more standardized ones of the catalog, requires to its own staff skills and flexibility, as well as special attention and care.

Riva1920, with its long cabinet-making tradition in the production of custom made furniture 100% made in Italy, realized with quality woods from controlled and programmed cuts or reused and hand-finished woods with natural finishes, with a view of safeguarding for the environment and for future generations.

Vendorafa, with its completely internal work cycle, made up of many manual steps often performed under a microscope, and with its need to adequately train its collaborators, in collaboration with the entrepreneurs of the goldsmith district in which it is inserted.

This is the reason why everyone immediately understood and gave a positive response to the invitation to tell about an Italy that produces and seeks its own future, making the best use of the resources of intelligence and passion that its territory still offers.

Photographs by Laura Fantacuzzi and Max Galati Forcaude

2021-12-28 13:31